Our Projects

We use our projects and partnerships to support the growth of forest certification around the world.

Our projects

Establishing group certification for New Zealand’s small-forest owners


Over half a million hectares of New Zealand’s forests are owned by small forest growers, but uptake of certification had remained low. This project has made certification accessible through the development of a PEFC group certification system.

Promoting sustainable forest management among Latvian forest owners


Latvia's fragmented property structure meant private forest certification was a challenge. Thanks to this project, private forest owners in Latvia have achieved PEFC certification. 

Developing tools to support small-forest owners achieve certification


Forest certification can be a burden for many small- and family forest owners. By developing an online group registration and management system, this project sought to make their lives a little easier.

Protecting rare tree species in Malaysia


Conservation of biodiversity and rare species is integral to sustainable forest management. This project supported the development of monitoring and conservation procedures for endangered species in Peninsular Malaysia.

Fostering partnerships to promote PEFC certification in Hungary


Hungary was one of the few remaining European countries with a significant share of private forest owners, but without a national forest certification system. Our Collaboration Fund project helped to change this.

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