Our Projects

We use our projects and partnerships to support the growth of forest certification around the world.

Our projects

From the forest to the market: promoting forest certification in Korea

Market outreach

While there is a PEFC endorsed national forest certification system in Korea, low awareness of certification has been a challenge to its widespead uptake. This project aims at changing this.

Preparing South Africa’s small-forest owners for certification


With South Africa's national forest certification system now PEFC-endorsed, this project will ensure that small-forest owners are able to achieve certification and benefit from the advantages it brings.

Reaching Portugal’s small-forest owners through group certification


86% of Portugal’s forests are owned by small private landowners, but only a few of these landowners had achieved certification. This project increased this number through the development of PEFC group certification.

Indonesia’s community forests: learning from the past to improve the future


Community forests play an important role within Indonesia, but their certification continues to be a challenge. This project developed a new community forestry standard to make forest certification more accessible to these communities.

Generating new knowledge on carbon stocks in managed tropical forests


Supporting CIRAD to generate new knowledge on the long-term impacts of timber extraction on both carbon stocks and timber recovery in the humid tropics.

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5 June 2024

Guyana achieves PEFC endorsement

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