Technical documentation

Technical documentation

PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management, Plantations


This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 1: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements in the case of plantation forests.

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This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 1: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements in the case of plantation forests.

PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management, Trees outside Forests


This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 2: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements for Trees outside Forests (TOF), B, C and E.

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This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 2: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements for Trees outside Forests (TOF), B, C and E.

PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management


This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements.

 Download (297.50 KB)

This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements.

Accepted abbreviation and translations of the PEFC International chain of custody claims

Technical document

While the official PEFC chain of custody claims are in English, PEFC provides a list of accepted translations, and an abbreviation, that certified entities can use, and requirements on how to use them.

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While the official PEFC chain of custody claims are in English, PEFC provides a list of accepted translations, and an abbreviation, that certified entities can use, and requirements on how to use them.

PEFC Registered Assessors

Technical document

The list of PEFC registered assessor, the entities responsible for carrying out the evaluation of national forest certification systems against the PEFC requirements.

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The list of PEFC registered assessor, the entities responsible for carrying out the evaluation of national forest certification systems against the PEFC requirements.

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