Technical documentation
PEFC Checklist - Standard Setting Procedures and Process
This checklist covers the requirements for standard setting procedures and process as defined in the revised 2017 issue of PEFC ST 1001, Standard Setting – Requirements.
This checklist covers the requirements for standard setting procedures and process as defined in the revised 2017 issue of PEFC ST 1001, Standard Setting – Requirements.
PEFC Checklist - Group Forest Management Certification
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1002:2018, Group Forest Management Certification – Requirements.
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1002:2018, Group Forest Management Certification – Requirements.
Annex 6 - Certification and Accreditation Procedures
International standard
Date of implementation 5 October 2007
Defines the certification and accreditation procedures for national certification schemes.
Defines the certification and accreditation procedures for national certification schemes.
Annex 1 - Terms and Definitions
International standard
Date of implementation 27 October 2006
Definitions of the basic and fundamental terms in forest and chain of custody certification.
Definitions of the basic and fundamental terms in forest and chain of custody certification.