Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group

Standards development

Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the three chain of custody standards.

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Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the three chain of custody standards.

Swedish sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Sweden. It maintained its endorsement on 4 December 2023. The review date is 5 December 2027.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Sweden. It maintained its endorsement on 4 December 2023. The review date is 5 December 2027.

Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree Based Products and Related Standards – Guidance for Use, PEFC GD 2001

Guidance document

Date of implementation 26 October 2022

This guidance document provides information for the implementation of the requirements of PEFC ST 2002:2020, Chain of Custody, and related standards PEFC ST 2001:2020, PEFC Trademarks Rules and PEFC ST 2003:2020, Certification Bodies Requirements - Chain of Custody.

 Download (3.87 MB)

This guidance document provides information for the implementation of the requirements of PEFC ST 2002:2020, Chain of Custody, and related standards PEFC ST 2001:2020, PEFC Trademarks Rules and PEFC ST 2003:2020, Certification Bodies Requirements - Chain of Custody.

Norwegian sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Norway. It maintained its endorsement on 8 June 2023. The review date is 18 August 2027.

 Download (597.62 KB)

The national sustainable forest management standard of Norway. It maintained its endorsement on 8 June 2023. The review date is 18 August 2027.

Latvian sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest mangement standard of Latvia, endorsed by PEFC on 3 November 2023. The review date is 21 July 2027.

 Download (970.72 KB)

The national sustainable forest mangement standard of Latvia, endorsed by PEFC on 3 November 2023. The review date is 21 July 2027.

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