Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Accepted abbreviation and translations of the PEFC International chain of custody claims

Technical document

While the official PEFC chain of custody claims are in English, PEFC provides a list of accepted translations, and an abbreviation, that certified entities can use, and requirements on how to use them.

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While the official PEFC chain of custody claims are in English, PEFC provides a list of accepted translations, and an abbreviation, that certified entities can use, and requirements on how to use them.

Terms of Reference of the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management Working Group

Standards development

The terms of reference for the permanent WG responsible for identifying and validating the gaps between the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard and the EUDR requirements, developing technical proposals for meeting these requirements.

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The terms of reference for the permanent WG responsible for identifying and validating the gaps between the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard and the EUDR requirements, developing technical proposals for meeting these requirements.

Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Data aspects on the EUDR (draft)

Standards development

The draft terms of reference of the Task Force on Data aspects on the EUDR. The task force is established as a temporary task force for one year, with the possibility of continuation.

 Download (169.06 KB)

The draft terms of reference of the Task Force on Data aspects on the EUDR. The task force is established as a temporary task force for one year, with the possibility of continuation.

Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group

Standards development

Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the three chain of custody standards.

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Members of the Chain of Custody Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the development of the PEFC chain of custody, including the maintenance of the three chain of custody standards.

PEFC Registered Assessors

Technical document

The list of PEFC registered assessor, the entities responsible for carrying out the evaluation of national forest certification systems against the PEFC requirements.

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The list of PEFC registered assessor, the entities responsible for carrying out the evaluation of national forest certification systems against the PEFC requirements.

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