Technical documentation
PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management, Plantations
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 1: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements in the case of plantation forests.
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 1: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements in the case of plantation forests.
PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management, Trees outside Forests
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 2: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements for Trees outside Forests (TOF), B, C and E.
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements, taking into account amended wording as outlined in its Appendix 2: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements for Trees outside Forests (TOF), B, C and E.
PEFC Checklist - Sustainable Forest Management
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements.
This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1003:2024, Sustainable Forest Management – Requirements.
Hungarian sustainable forest management standard
National standard
The national sustainable forest management standard of Hungary. It maintained its endorsement on 5 November 2024. The review date is 30 May 2028.
The national sustainable forest management standard of Hungary. It maintained its endorsement on 5 November 2024. The review date is 30 May 2028.
PEFC EUDR Due Diligence System, PEFC ST 2002-1:2024
International standard
Date of implementation 20 July 2024
This standard describes the steps that PEFC chain of custody certified organisations may follow to implement a Due Diligence System towards demonstrating EUDR compliance using the PEFC scheme and issue PEFC-EUDR claims. This document is a module standard, to be implemented on a voluntary basis, at the global level, by any organisation applying for or holding a PEFC recognised chain of custody certificate.
This standard describes the steps that PEFC chain of custody certified organisations may follow to implement a Due Diligence System towards demonstrating EUDR compliance using the PEFC scheme and issue PEFC-EUDR claims. This document is a module standard, to be implemented on a voluntary basis, at the global level, by any organisation applying for or holding a PEFC recognised chain of custody certificate.