Technical documentation
Development report: Group Forest Management Certification (ST 1002)
Development report
This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Group Forest Management Certification (ST 1003:201X).
This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Group Forest Management Certification (ST 1003:201X).
Development report: Sustainable Forest Management (ST 1003)
Development report
This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Sustainable Forest Management (ST 1003:201X).
This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Sustainable Forest Management (ST 1003:201X).
South African assessment report
Assessment Report
Assessment report of the national forest certification system of South Africa (SAFAS), by TJConsulting.
Assessment report of the national forest certification system of South Africa (SAFAS), by TJConsulting.
Luxembourg sustainable forest management standard
National standard
The national sustainable forest management standard of Luxembourg, endorsed by PEFC on 8 November 2019.
The national sustainable forest management standard of Luxembourg, endorsed by PEFC on 8 November 2019.
Romanian assessement report
Assessment Report
Assessment report of the Romanian national forest certification system, by Form international. The system was endorsed by PEFC on 4 June 2018..
Assessment report of the Romanian national forest certification system, by Form international. The system was endorsed by PEFC on 4 June 2018..