Technical documentation

Technical documentation

PEFC Checklist - Group Forest Management Certification


This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1002:2018, Group Forest Management Certification – Requirements.

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This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1002:2018, Group Forest Management Certification – Requirements.

Development report: PEFC Trademarks (ST 2001), Chain of Custody (ST 2002)

Development report

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final drafts of PEFC Trademarks (ST 2001:201X) and PEFC Chain of Custody (ST 2002:201X).

 Download (226.41 KB)

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final drafts of PEFC Trademarks (ST 2001:201X) and PEFC Chain of Custody (ST 2002:201X).

Development report: Certification Body Requirements - Chain of Custody (ST 2003)

Development report

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Certification Body Requirements - Chain of Custody (ST 2003:201X).

 Download (220.08 KB)

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Certification Body Requirements - Chain of Custody (ST 2003:201X).

Questions and Answers: revised PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks standard

Standards development

During our webinars explaining the changes to the revised PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks standards, the following questions were asked. This document provides the responses to those questions.

 Download (146.39 KB)

During our webinars explaining the changes to the revised PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks standards, the following questions were asked. This document provides the responses to those questions.

Bulgarian assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Bulgaria, by TJConsulting.

 Download (3.24 MB)

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Bulgaria, by TJConsulting.

Conflict Timber

See PEFC's guidance following the announcement that all timber originating from Russia and Belarus is ‘conflict timber’.


See PEFC's latest COVID-19 guidance for certification bodies and certified entities.

PEFC contact

Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

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