Technical documentation

Technical documentation

PEFC Checklist - Standard Setting Procedures and Process


This checklist covers the requirements for standard setting procedures and process as defined in the revised 2017 issue of PEFC ST 1001, Standard Setting – Requirements.

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This checklist covers the requirements for standard setting procedures and process as defined in the revised 2017 issue of PEFC ST 1001, Standard Setting – Requirements.

PEFC Checklist - Group Forest Management Certification


This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1002:2018, Group Forest Management Certification – Requirements.

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This checklist covers requirements for sustainable forest management as defined in PEFC ST 1002:2018, Group Forest Management Certification – Requirements.

Development report: PEFC Trademarks (ST 2001), Chain of Custody (ST 2002)

Development report

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final drafts of PEFC Trademarks (ST 2001:201X) and PEFC Chain of Custody (ST 2002:201X).

 Download (226.41 KB)

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final drafts of PEFC Trademarks (ST 2001:201X) and PEFC Chain of Custody (ST 2002:201X).

Development report: Certification Body Requirements - Chain of Custody (ST 2003)

Development report

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Certification Body Requirements - Chain of Custody (ST 2003:201X).

 Download (220.08 KB)

This report provides the evidence of compliance with PEFC GD 1003:2009 for the development of the final draft of Certification Body Requirements - Chain of Custody (ST 2003:201X).

Vietnamese sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Vietnam, endorsed by PEFC on 29 October 2020. The review date is 6 September 2024.

 Download (749.35 KB)

The national sustainable forest management standard of Vietnam, endorsed by PEFC on 29 October 2020. The review date is 6 September 2024.

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