Technical documentation
Luxembourg assessment report
Assessment Report
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Luxembourg, by ForestSense.
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Luxembourg, by ForestSense.
Annex 6 - Certification and Accreditation Procedures
International standard
Date of implementation 5 October 2007
Defines the certification and accreditation procedures for national certification schemes.
Defines the certification and accreditation procedures for national certification schemes.
PEFC Council procedures for the investigation and resolution of complaints and appeals (GL 7/2007)
Guidance document
Date of implementation 28 June 2007
The responsibilities and actions of PEFC Council and PEFC National Governing Bodies for the investigation and resolution of complaints and appeals.
The responsibilities and actions of PEFC Council and PEFC National Governing Bodies for the investigation and resolution of complaints and appeals.
Annex 1 - Terms and Definitions
International standard
Date of implementation 27 October 2006
Definitions of the basic and fundamental terms in forest and chain of custody certification.
Definitions of the basic and fundamental terms in forest and chain of custody certification.
Interpretation of the PEFC Council Requirements for Consensus in the Standard Setting Process (GL 5/2006)
Guidance document
Date of implementation 26 October 2006
An interpretation of the PEFC Council requirements for consensus within the national standards development process.
An interpretation of the PEFC Council requirements for consensus within the national standards development process.