Technical documentation
Japanese assessment report
Assessment Report
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Japan, by article three.
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Japan, by article three.
Members of the Operating Forest Management Certification Working Group
Standards development
Members of the working group responsible for the development of PEFC ST 1004, the requirements for certification bodies that carry out PEFC forest management certification.
Members of the working group responsible for the development of PEFC ST 1004, the requirements for certification bodies that carry out PEFC forest management certification.
Swiss assessment report
Assessment Report
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Switzerland, by CK Services.
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Switzerland, by CK Services.
Terms of Reference of the PEFC Working Group Operating Forest Management Certification
Standards development
The terms of reference for the Working Group responsible for the development of PEFC ST 1004, the requirements for certification bodies that carry out PEFC forest management certification.
The terms of reference for the Working Group responsible for the development of PEFC ST 1004, the requirements for certification bodies that carry out PEFC forest management certification.
Members of the Sustainable Forest Management Working Group
Standards development
Members of the Sustainable Forest Management Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the continued development of PEFC’s sustainable forest management approach.
Members of the Sustainable Forest Management Working Group. A permanent working group responsible for the continued development of PEFC’s sustainable forest management approach.