Issue PEFC recognized accreditations
Provide services to certification bodies seeking to carry out PEFC certification in your country, with a PEFC accreditation programme.
Issue PEFC recognized accreditations
As an accreditation body you play an important role in assuring the independence and performance of certification bodies issuing PEFC certificates.
You may have been requested by a certification body to provide an accreditation against a PEFC endorsed forest management standard and/or the PEFC Chain of Custody standard. Having a PEFC accreditation program enables you to provide services to certification bodies seeking to carry out PEFC certification in your country.
We only accept accreditations from ABs that are members of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), or one of the regional accreditation groups such as the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) of the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC).
We then have specific additional requirements, depending on the type of certification for which the accreditation is provided.
For forest management certification, our PEFC endorsed national forest certification systems will include specific performance requirements. This includes for example the public availability of summary audit reports and stakeholder consultations in the certification process.
For PEFC chain of custody certification, the certification body will need to comply with our PEFC ST 2003. Additionally, your AB needs to be a signatory of the Multilateral Recognition Agreement for product certification (MLA). PEFC ST 2003 provides all technical details for the accreditation.
To find out more, please contact us at
Training requirements
As you are assessing the performance of certification bodies issuing PEFC certificates, it is important to have sufficient expertise on the PEFC system and the PEFC Chain of Custody standard within the assessment team. We find it equally important that, like the auditors, you are kept up to date on our expectations, clarifications and interpretations to the standard.
Many accreditation bodies have solved this by using external technical experts with proven knowledge of the PEFC standard. Others have ensured that their personnel received sufficient training.
We offer different options to have your personnel or technical experts trained. As a first option they could attend an auditor training course. A second possibility is to send them to one of the dedicated accreditation body trainings that we organize periodically.
You can find all the upcoming training for accreditation bodies on the training section of our website. Make sure you sign up to our newsletter (at the bottom of this page) to ensure you get all the latest training news and dates, or follow us on LinkedIn.
You can also contact us for more information at: