PEFC: on the path to EUDR alignment, June 2024

PEFC: on the path to EUDR alignment, June 2024

EU Deforestation Regulation

On 26 June we shared the latest developments at PEFC as we progress on our roadmap to EUDR alignment. Watch the recording:

Our webinar focused on the advances we have made in aligning our sustainable forest management and chain of custody standards with EUDR requirements, as well as taking a look at the vital data and integrity elements.

Our PEFC experts gave a behind the scenes look at the progress of our working groups and task forces, working tirelessly to ensure we will have practical solutions in place to enable you to successfully implement EUDR.

The PEFC Alliance has made strong progress on our EUDR rollout over the last few months, and we were delighted to share the details with you, as we all move forward on this EUDR journey together.

The speakers

We were joined by our PEFC International experts who lead several of the key working groups and taskforces dedicated to the PEFC EUDR roadmap:

  • Marta Martinez Pardo, Chain of Custody Working Group
  • Rob Shaw, Data Task Force
  • Hubert Inhaizer, Sustainable Forest Management Working Group
  • Maja Drca, EU affairs expert


26 June 2024

09:00 - 10:15 (UTC+2)

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PEFC contact

Hubert Inhaizer

Forestry & Conservation Manager

Maja Drca

EU Representative

Marta Martínez Pardo

Certification Programme Senior Manager

Rob Shaw

Head of Standards & Integrity

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