Introduction to the PAFC Congo Basin regional system

Introduction to the PAFC Congo Basin regional system

System introduction webinar

PAFC Congo Basin submitted their regional forest certification system to PEFC for endorsement in December last year. The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this new system, runs from 1 February to 1 April.

In order to provide you with additional information about this regional system, we held a webinar on 1 February, at 10:00 CET. Watch the recording:

Our national members for Cameroon, Congo and Gabon joined forces under the name of PAFC Congo Basin to develop this regional certification system. The shared language and the similar forestry conditions in the three neighbouring countries enables PAFC Cameroon, PAFC Congo and PAFC Gabon to share one system.

The system development was led by our international stakeholder member ATIBT, in close collaboration with PAFC Cameroon, PAFC Congo, PAFC Gabon and Olam, another PEFC international stakeholder member. The project is funded by KfW, the German Development Bank, and co-funded by PEFC.

This is the first regional system submitted for endorsement. By developing a regional system, it enables our members to maximise their impact and reach, share resources and knowledge, and reduce the costs in developing and running a forest certification system. 


1 February 2021

10:00 - 11:00 (UTC+2)

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Hubert Inhaizer

Forestry & Conservation Manager

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