National members

Our national members are independent, national organizations that develop and run the national forest certification system in their country. 

PEFC Romania

The Romanian Forest Certification System achieved PEFC endorsement in June 2018. The latest system is currently under assessment.

2017 system documentation

Romanian sustainable forest management standard 508.88 KB
Romanian assessement report 1.36 MB
Romanian full system documentation 3.90 MB

Endorsement milestones

To maintain its PEFC endorsement, the system must meet specific endorsement milestones. The first milestone is the start of the periodic review within five years of the national approval of the sustainable forest management standard.

  • National approval date: 29 May 2017
  • Review date: 29 May 2022

2024 system assessment 

  • Status: Public consultation open, assessment ongoing
  • Type: Revised system
  • System submitted for assessment: 3 June 2024
  • Consultation: 15 July - 13 September 2024 - give your feedback
  • Assessor: to be announced
  • Download the documentation

Watch the recording of the webinar to find out more about this national system.

System history

  • System endorsed: 4 June 2018
  • Joined PEFC: 16 November 2016



PEFC Romania
Pârâul Cărării, nr. 12
Voineasa, jud. Vâlcea
Tel: +40 785 433 288

Lucian Filigean

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