PEFC France
The French Forest Certification Scheme was first endorsed in July 2001 and has been re-endorsed a further three times. The latest system is currently under assessment.
2016 system documentation
Endorsement milestones
To maintain its PEFC endorsement, the system must meet specific endorsement milestones. The first milestone is the start of the periodic review within five years of the national approval of the sustainable forest management standard.
- National approval date: 21 June 2016
- Review date: 21 June 2021
2023 system assessment
- Status: Public consultation closed, assessment ongoing
- Type: Revised system (maintaining the endorsement) and new Trees outside Forests requirements
- Assessment report
- Assessor: Indufor
- Download the system documentation
- System submitted for assessment: 28 June 2023
- Consultation: 24 July - 21 September 2023
Watch the recording of the webinar to find out more about this national system.
System history
- Joined PEFC: 30 June 1999
- Endorsed: 20 July 2001
- Re-endorsed: 7 December 2006
- Re-endorsed: 23 December 2011
- Re-endorsed: 31 May 2017
PEFC France
Paul-Emmanuel Huet
History before PEFC
PEFC France is one of the founders of PEFC, created in 1999 in order to preserve forests, guarantee the respect of those who live and work in them and walk around them, but also to sustain the forest resources in order to meet human needs today and for the future.
What are the benefits of being part of the PEFC alliance?
PEFC France is proud to be part of the PEFC alliance and family which is composed of 50 countries all over the world.
We all share the same values and are committed to promoting sustainable forest management in each of our countries by setting up rules taking into account our own specificities and engaging local stakeholders.
Being part of a family allows us to share experiences, success but also challenges. This helps us to be stronger.