National members

Our national members are independent, national organizations that develop and run the national forest certification system in their country. 

Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC)

The IFCC Forest Certification Scheme was endorsed in 2014 and subsequently maintained its endorsement in March 2022. The IFCC Scheme was extended with a new Trees outside Forests appendix, but this part of the system is not yet endorsed and currently under assessment.

2021 system documentation

Indonesian sustainable forest management standard 1.39 MB
Indonesian assessment report 2.94 MB
Indonesian full system documentation 23.25 MB

Endorsement milestones

To maintain its PEFC endorsement, the system must meet specific endorsement milestones. The first milestone is the start of the periodic review within five years of the national approval of the sustainable forest management standard.

  • National approval date: 25 January 2021
  • Review date: 25 January 2026

2021-22 system assessment

  • Status: Public consultation finished, system endorsement maintained, assessment of TOF Appendix continues
  • Type: Assessment of revised system, endorsement of Trees outside Forests standard
  • Assessor: Article Three (formerly ITS Global) 
  • System submitted for assessment: 8 February 2021
  • Consultation: 8 March - 7 May 2021
  • Endorsement maintained: 7 March 2022*

Watch the recording of the webinar to find out more about this national system.

* The maintenance of endorsement does not include Appendix 4 of IFCC ST 1001 (Trees outside Forests requirements).

System history

  • Endorsement maintained: 7 March 2022
  • Community forestry certification system endorsed: 30 May 2019
  • National forest certification system endorsed: 1 October 2014
  • Joined PEFC: 16 November 2012


History before PEFC 

Sustainable Forest Management requires a certification system that allows the parties to assess progress in the achievement of sustainable forest management. Such a system needs to be built in accordance with local, national and global terms and conditions, with a spirit of cooperation and togetherness without pressure. This positive spirit motivated us to establish a Forestry Certification Cooperation named Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC).

IFCC was established on September 9th, 2011, which its objective is to promote SFM by implementation of the PEFC scheme, which includes among others certification of forest management, forest products, forest product-processing industries and the chain of custody.

What are the benefits of being part of the PEFC alliance? 

PEFC allows national sovereignty by creating an international benchmark which acknowledges national forest governance in achieving Sustainable Forest Management.


Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC)
Plaza Amsterdam Blok D 56
16810 Sentul City, Bogor
West Java

Tel.: +62 21 87961780

The Team

Zulfandi Lubis
National Secretary

Manager of Finance and Administration

Zahrah Lathifah 
Finance and Administration Officer

Teni Marfiani
Technical Unit Officer

Ragita Wirastri 
Manager of Promotion, Marketing and Communication

Jane Selena
Promotion, Marketing and Communication Officer

Andina Agustia Dewanti
Sustainability Science and Resources Officer

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