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Why forests are important
Forests play a critical role for the global environment, population and economy. They alleviate the effects of climate change and natural disasters, and represent some of the richest biological areas on Earth.
Our approach
At PEFC, we care for forests globally and locally. We work to protect our forests by promoting sustainable forest management through certification.
Our collective impact
Through our projects and campaigns, we collaborate with local and global organizations to promote the growth of sustainable forest management and forest certification.
Sustainable Development Goals
PEFC contributes to achieving the SDGs as we work towards unlocking the full potential of forests for a sustainable world.
Look for the PEFC label
One of the simplest ways you can help protect our forests is to look for the PEFC label on products.
Buy PEFC-certified products
We need to use our forests, but we must do so sustainably. If there is one thing you can do, it is to buy PEFC-certified products.
Get certified
Whether you're a forest owner or company within the forest supply chain, get PEFC certified and help protect the world's forests.
Contribute to standards
Help us to ensure our PEFC standards, internationally and nationally, meet your expectations.
Become a member
Demonstrate your commitment and activate your support to forests and PEFC by becoming an international stakeholder member.
Your support is an important contribution to the long-term sustainability of our forests.
Supply chain companies
Why PEFC Chain of Custody certification is right for your business.
Brands and retailers
Use PEFC to ensure your responsible sourcing.
Forest owners
Get PEFC certification for your forest.
Certification and Accreditation Bodies
Standards and Guides
Some of our most important international standards and guides at a glance.
How our standards are developed
Our international standards go through a detailed and rigorous development process.
Adapting global standards
We work through national forest management standards, developed by local stakeholders, enabling countries to tailor their requirements.
Meeting global expectations
An independent assessment process ensures nationally developed forest management standards meet our requirements.
Assuring compliance
We assure that the certification process is robust and credible through the separation of roles and reliance on proven ISO standards.
What is PEFC?
PEFC, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, is a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems.
Facts and Figures
297 million hectares of PEFC-certified forests, 29,800 chain of custody certified companies... our stats at a glance.
Our PEFC members
Find out more about our national and international stakeholder members.
Our governance is bottom up, which means it is our members who make the key decisions through a balanced voting system.
Meet the team
Meet our highly dedicated PEFC International team.
We are a non-profit association, with more the three-quarters of our funding coming from our members.
Discover the vacancies at PEFC International.
PAFC/PEFC Congo Basin Coordinator
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