Technical documentation

Technical documentation

PEFC EUDR Due Diligence System, PEFC ST 2002-1:2024

International standard

Date of implementation 20 July 2024

This standard describes the steps that PEFC chain of custody certified organisations may follow to implement a Due Diligence System towards demonstrating EUDR compliance using the PEFC scheme and issue PEFC-EUDR claims. This document is a module standard, to be implemented on a voluntary basis, at the global level, by any organisation applying for or holding a PEFC recognised chain of custody certificate.

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This standard describes the steps that PEFC chain of custody certified organisations may follow to implement a Due Diligence System towards demonstrating EUDR compliance using the PEFC scheme and issue PEFC-EUDR claims. This document is a module standard, to be implemented on a voluntary basis, at the global level, by any organisation applying for or holding a PEFC recognised chain of custody certificate.

Terms of Reference of the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management Working Group

Standards development

The terms of reference for the permanent WG responsible for identifying and validating the gaps between the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard and the EUDR requirements, developing technical proposals for meeting these requirements.

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The terms of reference for the permanent WG responsible for identifying and validating the gaps between the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard and the EUDR requirements, developing technical proposals for meeting these requirements.

Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Data aspects on the EUDR (draft)

Standards development

The draft terms of reference of the Task Force on Data aspects on the EUDR. The task force is established as a temporary task force for one year, with the possibility of continuation.

 Download (169.06 KB)

The draft terms of reference of the Task Force on Data aspects on the EUDR. The task force is established as a temporary task force for one year, with the possibility of continuation.

Czech sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Czechia. It maintained its endorsement on 10 January 2024. The review date is 25 May 2028.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Czechia. It maintained its endorsement on 10 January 2024. The review date is 25 May 2028.

Guyanese sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Guyana. It achieved endorsement by PEFC on 21 March 2024. The review date is 24 April 2028.

 Download (1.30 MB)

The national sustainable forest management standard of Guyana. It achieved endorsement by PEFC on 21 March 2024. The review date is 24 April 2028.

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