The PEFC Forest Forum 2024

Join us in Paris on 16 May for a unique event and experience forest management in the climate crisis, in theory and in practice. At the very first PEFC Forest Forum, we will look at Forest management in the climate crisis: Building resilience and sustainability.


Following an insightful morning with engaging speakers exploring the theme of the event from a theoretical point of view, we'll head to the beautiful Chantilly Forest to experience first-hand how climate change already affects forests, and how management is being adapted to increase resilience.

Forests find themselves at a crucial juncture. Climate change is changing their landscapes by affecting their diversity, health, and resilience to pests, droughts, and fires. However, there's an upside: forest products, such as wood and fibre, hold considerable promise in combating climate change. These resources, though often overlooked, possess the potential to play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable response to the climate crisis.

In the face of a warming world, the forest sector is focusing on adaptation, mitigation, and decarbonisation to respond to the challenges of climate change. 

The PEFC Forest Forum 2024 in Paris, France, organised by PEFC International and PEFC France, will put forest management in the climate crisis in the spotlight. It will demonstrate the good practices in the forest that are building resilience and sustainability, and will inspire action. 

The event will showcase on the ground efforts in forest management that highlight the challenges and opportunities of adapting forests to a 2°C warmer world.

The details

Taking place on Thursday 16 May, we’ll start the day in the Hilton Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport hotel, hearing from a range of expert and insightful speakers. 

At lunchtime, we’ll leave the hotel and head out to the field, to the beautiful Chantilly Forest, where we’ll get to see the theory and explanations of the morning in practice. We’ll end the day in the forest with an evening reception, before heading back to the hotel. 

Our sponsors

The morning agenda

08:30-08:45 - Welcome

Our moderator for the morning, Meriem Fournier, President, INREA, will welcome the PEFC International and PEFC France Chairs to start the event.

  • Eduardo Rojas Briales, Chair of the Board, PEFC International
  • Christine de Neuville, Chair of the Board, PEFC France

08:45-09:10 - Keynote speech: Forest-based climate change mitigation, adaptation and decarbonization

  • Bernard de Galembert, Forest Solutions Group Director, WBCSD

09:10-10:10 - Session 1: Adapting forests and forest management to a changing climate

Adaptation encompasses changes in forest management practices designed to decrease vulnerability and increase resilience of forests to climate change. In this session we delve into the challenges that forests face due to climate change, and outline the policies and tools that the forestry sector and wider society is implementing to address them.

  • Amy Duchelle, Team Leader of the Forests and Climate Change Team, FAO
  • Jean-Daniel Bontemps, Laboratory of Forest Inventory (LIF), IGN France 

10:40-11:40 - Session 2 Mitigation & decarbonization for climate change

Mitigation strategies involve reducing emissions through the prevention of deforestation and forest degradation, whilst also enhancing forest carbon sinks. Decarbonization incorporates the reduction of emissions from forest sector operations and across the value chain, for example by replacing carbon-intensive products with wood-based products. In this session we look at the causes of deforestation and forest degradation and what is being done to prevent this, as well as activities undertaken by forest sector-based companies to decarbonize their operations. 

  • Claudiu-Nicolae Sonda, Policy Officer, CEI-Bois 
  • Sarah Price, Director, Sappi Europe

11:40-12:00 - Conclusions of the morning and an introduction to Chantilly Forest

12:15 - Board the coaches and leave for Chantilly Forest

The afternoon agenda

13:00-14:00 - Arrival in Chantilly Forest and lunch

14:00-17:30 - Forest visit

We will split into six groups and move around different sites within the forest, each with an expert covering different forestry themes. We will stop for a break halfway through the afternoon. 

The themes will cover:

  • Climate
  • Genetics and adaption of trees
  • Biodiversity and entomology
  • Forest/fauna balance
  • Experimental plantations
  • Pedology/education

17:30-19:30 - Evening reception in the forest

Under a tent in Chantilly Forest, the group will come back together for drinks and nibbles 

We will arrive back at the Hilton between 20:30 and 21:30.

Chantilly Forest

Covering 6,300 ha, mainly oaks, La Forêt de Chantilly is one of the oldest forests in northern France. Formerly a royal forest, it is now property of Institut de France, a non-profit umbrella organization overseeing five academies who strive to enhance the arts, sciences, and humanities.

To respond to the climate crisis and its negative effects on the forest, the owner initiated the gathering together of foresters, the local population, and research institutes. A large programme of applied research is underway to understand the decline of the oaks and find solutions.

The forest in its current form will change profoundly in the decades to come. The desire of the owner and the collective is to maintain a multifunctional forest ensuring maximum functions and services. 

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