PEFC "Best of the Best" Photo Contest 2023

After six years of the PEFC Photo Contest, this year we looked back at some of the amazing photos we've received since 2017 - and we asked you to vote on your favourite!


How to get involved

Voting is now closed and we'll announce the winner soon!

Over the last six years, hundreds of photographs have been entered into our PEFC International Photographer of the Year contests. Before today, our juries had the tricky job of choosing the winners. This year, the winning photo was in your hands - which was your favourite? 

We went through all our photos, picking out our past winners and a few favourites. The result was a selection of amazing and truly inspiring images from all over the world and all types of forest.

While all deserved to win, there can only be one that gets the 500 CHF prize - and the decision was up to you. We'll be announcing the winner shortly!

While the voting is now closed, you can click on the button below to see the 14 photos.

The national contests

Earlier this year, our PEFC members ran their "Best of the Best" contests, asking you to decide which was the best photo from a stunning selection of images. You can see the participating countries below and click on the links to see their winners.


Belgium's woodlands have a magical beauty and PEFC Belgium's selection show this perfectly. From forest floors covered in wild flowers to the familiar forest wildlife.


From deepest winter to stunning Finnish summers, beautiful wildlife and people relaxing in the forest. PEFC Finland's photos invite you to the magic of their country.


Discover the spectacular forests and landscapes of Italy. Covering all the seasons, PEFC Italy's selection of photos is a special treat.


From breathtaking landscapes with moody skies to close ups in mysterious forests, PEFC Portugal's photos are a real treat.


People living, working, and enjoying the forests are all on show in PEFC Slovakia's photos, as well as some amazing wildlife.

About PEFC

PEFC is the world’s leading forest certification system. We were founded in 1999 by small- and family forest owners to demonstrate excellence in sustainable forest management.

There are more than 280 million hectares of forests certified to our internationally recognized Sustainability Benchmarks. Certification ensures that forests are managed responsibly, and enables all of us to make responsible choices when buying wood- and forest-based products.

In fact, you might already have seen us – next time you are in the supermarket, shopping for furniture or reading a magazine, check if you can see our PEFC logo! Thanks to this logo, you know that it comes from a sustainably managed forest that will be around for generations to come.

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